Tips for Post-Tax Season Stress Relief

As physicians, the tax season can be particularly grueling, with the added stress of managing high tax bills and navigating complex tax codes. However, even after the deadlines have passed, the aftermath of tax season can linger, leaving many physicians feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. In this blog, we’ll explore the aftermath of tax season for…

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Tax Planning 101: Business Deductions for Doctors

Tax Planning for Doctors Deductions are an important part of tax planning and running a business for doctors. Tax deductions reduce the amount of income that is subject to taxation, thereby reducing the overall amount of taxes owed. Doctors can take advantage of a variety of tax deductions to lower their taxable income, which can…

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The 2023 Tax Law Changes You Need to Know

The 2023 Tax Law Changes You Need to Know

Our Feb. 9th, 2023, webinar recording features the 2023 Tax Law Changes You Need to Know. David Auer and Elliott Barber provide a look at how past, current, and upcoming legislation could effect your tax picture.  

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The Pros and Cons of Being a 1099 Contractor vs. a W-2 Employee


The ability to choose how work is classified by a professional can be highly beneficial for a number of positions and industries. Though many hiring managers and recruiters are accustomed to working with W-2 employees, this option isn’t always the best when it comes to healthcare. Physicians and other high-income professionals have been discovering the…

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The $80 Billion Question: How Will the New IRS Affect You?


Our Sept. 7th, 2022 webinar recording covers how the new $80 billion injection of funding may change the future of the IRS. David Auer gives us a look at some statistics on the state of the IRS, and where the organization may improve and how many more audits they might be able to handle.  

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